About me

What’s with the name?

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This blog was created as a requirement for one of the first classes in my MLIS, and has become an outlet for posts and assignments for several other classes. You produce a lot of writing in this degree, and this blog is a good motivation to polish my thoughts and present them to a larger audience.

Coming up with an original name was a challenge — there are a lot of library/librarian blogs out there! Melvil Dewey is one of the most topical examples of a librarian who left a lasting legacy.  He was, to put it kindly, full of quirks, but he was also highly influential in shaping the field.The Dewey Decimal System is a way of organizing libraries; it is the most widely used library system in the world.The system is inherently flawed, racist, and outdated in many ways. As an aspiring librarian, I am working towards entering an information landscape that has been very much shaped by my predecessors. Librarians today have a responsibility to work with this existing landscape and continue to make libraries accessible and relevant.

Image from wikipedia

Image from wikipedia
